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Virtual Event 2021

Virtual Event 2021

The 2021 edition of Arable Scotland – Scotland's premier event focussing on arable crops - took place online on 29th June and was very well received: more than two hundred e-delegates registered to take part in the event, from countries including India, the United States, Brazil, France and the UK. Many more have caught up with the recordings of the 2021 series of Arable Conversations on YouTube, which included sessions on markets, integrated pest management, sustainable rotations and net-zero.

Content from the event remains freely available for consultation – you can visit Arable Scotland's 2021 Virtual Field Map below.

Arable Conversations: Alternative Markets and New Cash Crops

Arable Conversations: Alternative Markets and New Cash Crops


Arable Conversations: Integrated Pest Management - Deriving the Benefits

Arable Conversations: Integrated Pest Management - Deriving the Benefits


Arable Conversations: Sustainable Rotations - Soils, Integrating Legumes, Cover Crops and Cash Crops

Arable Conversations: Sustainable Rotations - Soils integrating legumes cover crops and cash crops


Arable Conversations: Net-Zero - Making Carbon Pay

Arable Conversations: Net Zero - Making Carbon Pay

Exhibition Booth
The James Hutton Institute - Low input winter cereal-legume biomass
Exhibition Booth
The James Hutton Institute - Low input winter barley mixtures / blends
Exhibition Booth
The James Hutton Institute - NOVELLA
Exhibition Booth
PGRO & James Hutton Institute
Exhibition Booth
Yara UK
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
CHAP Solutions
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
Corteva Agriscience
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
James Hutton Limited
Exhibition Booth
Exhibition Booth
Farm Advisory Service (FAS)
Exhibition Booth
HL Hutchinsons
Event Partners
Event supporters/sponsors